The Last Truly Free Generation

3 months ago

Before The Information Age, During The Tech Revolution Coming Out Of The Industrial Age There Was Generation X. Now Survivors Of Both Worlds. They Are The Last Generation To Know Life Before Computers, Internet & Cell Phones. Before The Surveillance State Introduced & Built In The 1990's. We Enjoyed Freedom Like The Generations After Will Never Know. Nobody Cared About Our Safety & Security and Big Brother Didn't Have Eyes On Every Corner. We Took Care Of Ourselves, Hell Most Of Us Raised Ourselves, Our Parents Too Busy To Bother With Us, Let Us Roam Free Like Feral Cats. We Didn't Run Around Shooting Each Other, We Had Huge Parties Anywhere We Wanted, Especially on Friday & Saturday nights On The Main Drag Of Every City & Small Town In America. America WAS Great Back Then. With Enough Nostalgia To Make Every American No Matter Color or Creed Proud To Be One. We Lost That After Bush Sr. Took Office And The "New World Order" Was Born. The Changes After That, And His War On Drugs That Destroyed Our Cities As They Pumped The Streets Full of The Deadliest Cocktails They Could Conceive To Corrupt & Kill Americas Youth & Lock Up The Rest. Evil Descended Upon This Nation Ever Since. False Flags, More Big Corporate Controlled Government. Big Brother Building The Police State in The Name Of Security Stealing Your Rights Away One Bite At A Time. Fast Forward 34 Years And Here We Are.
Smack Dab In The Middle Of WW3 On The Wrong Side Of History.

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