Object Relations: Melanie Klein Pt. 8

7 months ago

Blog: https://psychreviews.org/object-relations-melanie-klein-pt-8/

In this series, I covered the vast majority of Melanie Klein's theories, but there was still a pattern not covered that appears again and again in all areas relating to work and ambition. Thankfully, Melanie's actual life provided many of the answers, especially when her experiences compared with that of some of her family, her followers, and those in opposition to her.

Intro: 0:00
Melitta: 0:24
Present and Absent Friends: 27:45
The Plight of Job: 36:44

All photos and music from Wikipedia, The Melanie Klein Trust, The National Portrait Gallery, Craiyon, Pexels, and Pixabay


Melanie Klein: Her World and Her Work by Phyllis Grosskurth: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781568214450/

Job: The Victim of His People - René Girard: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780804714044/

The Book of Job: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+1&version=NIV

Oedipus in Britain: Edward Glover and the Struggle Over Klein - Paul Roazen: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781892746665/

Analyst of the Imagination: The Life and Work of Charles Rycroft - Jenny Pearson: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781855759046/

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