Drunk, Insane Woman Heckler Becomes Part Of Stand-Up Comedian's Show

5 months ago

From the comedian, Brett Druck's page: “She had interrupted the host bringing me on stage to congratulate him on being gay right before I came up. -There were 12 people in the audience -This is an independently run comedy club. -I was the first comedian on after the host. -I kept it light and non confrontational because I knew kicking out 2 people in the front row of 12 people total in the showroom (who were all having a great time despite the insanity) would be a bad change in energy and make the rest of the show awkward -The host took an extended pause to calm her down and explain she needed to stop after my set was done. -There was hope that she would eventually stop for the rest of the show. -She got kicked out during the next person's set.”

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