Here's how you can skyrocket your Vibration

1 month ago

Skyrocketing your vibration sounds complicated, but it's simple.

As all you have to do is have more fun, and be more carefree and passionate while taking action towards your goals, that's all it takes.

But how can I have fun and be carefree when I hate my job and the place I live??

That's where hobbies and passions come into play.

If you are in a place that you don't like, surrounded by toxic people and relationships, all you have to do is change your state and raise your vibrational frequency.

By doing this your reality will also shift.

This can be done easily by doing something you are passionate about for 30 minutes to 1 hour daily.

When you do this consistently, you immediately increase your vibrational state and soon that vibration will take over the lower vibrational environment and you will shift to a better environment.

Your outer reality is a mirror reflection of your inner reality. so all you have to do to change your outer reality is heal and shift your inner state.

Moreover, you'll be tempted to give in to dark lower vibrational emotions, but that's when you must hold your frame and stay strong.

It's not wrong to feel anger and shame but they shouldn't consume you. Instead, express them, let go, and raise your vibrational frequency.

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