9 months ago

01. The Secrets of the Black Arts (03:42)
02. The Dawn No More Rises (04:00)
03. When Angels Forever Die (04:07)
04. Ravenna Strigoi Mortii (04:27)
05. Enriched by Evil (04:43)
06. Slava Satan (03:59)
07. The Arrival of Satan's Empire (03:46)
08. An Apprentice of Satan (06:05)
09. Armageddon Finally Comes (03:22)
10. King Antichrist (04:39)
11. Godhate (05:06)
12. Angel Flesh Impaled (05:53)
13. The End of Human Race (04:43)
14. The Birth of the Vampiir (04:50)
15. Declaration of Hate (05:24)
16. Unchain My Soul (05:20)
17. Nail Them to the Cross (04:42)
18. Where Shadows Forever Reign (05:32)
19. Nosferatu (04:41)
20. A Beast to Praise (04:48)
21. We Are the Apocalypse (04:33)

01-02-03 The Secrets of the Black Arts (1996)
04-05-06 Vobiscum Satanas (1998)
07-08-09 Diabolis Interium (2001)
10-11-12 Attera Totus Sanctus (2005)
13-14-15 Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus (2009)
16-17-18 Where Shadows Forever Reign (2016)
19-20-21 We Are the Apocalypse (2022)

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