Cloister Dora Teura Plates

9 months ago

👇🏽The CDT-Plates were the first foundations of ALL legitimate spiritual teachings..

Among ALL races of Earth, before the genuine CDT-Plate translations were repeatedly compromised, destroyed and distorted into "religious control dogmas" by competing factions of corrupt human power elite and Fallen Angelic visitors.

12 Pre-Atlantian Holographic Disk Records from 246,000BC. They are small pale silver physical discs that contain massive amounts of Sacred Spiritual Science teachings that are translated by 3 speakers.

Anytime humanity forgets the Eternal Life Wisdom, the Eternals send three Speakers to remind humanity. In the Christ Period, this was J-12 (Jeshua 12), Miriam, and John the Baptist - those books however have been destroyed and John the Baptist was murdered before he could complete his commission/translation

Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary Stargate of his tribe

They contain explicit knowledge about the origins, genetics, purpose and history of the human race and the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, ascension and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source. They were all complementary expressing through the Cosmic Sacred Law of One.

They are presented to the races of our 15 dimensional Time matrix by the Density-5 (Dimensions 13-15) Elohei/Elohim-Emerald Order, Seaphei-Seraphin-Gold Order and Braha-Rama-Amethyst Order

Follow to learn the true history.

About me 👇

Beloveds, It's a joy to share with you the Eternal Life Wisdom. Much of this wisdom is based on the Science of Source teachings. The latest human to bring forth some of this wisdom is Ashayana Deane in her books Voyagers 1, 2. This wisdom goes deep into eternal life perspectives, and shares techniques and spiritual codes that can activate your limitless potential through your potential/intron DNA.

The more you accrete your potential DNA, the higher your frequency will become and you will be able to manifest and materialize more rapidly into your 3D hologram. It will also awaken your Starseed memory and begin reconnecting to your ancient roots - Atlantis, Lemuria, Lyra, etc. It will also help you unify the polarity and integrate your ego into the sacred law of One.

This wisdom is what that my soul has searched for many lifetimes and it's a joy to share it with you. I hope it can be a catalyst on your healing journey and awaken the potential for eternal life. As always, take what resonates, and leave what doesn't. Love. Light. Peace. and Truth to All sentient BE-ings.

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