Michele Tafoya – NBA Legend John Stockton – Mandated Covid Injections & Removal of Freedom

1 month ago

*This is actually a good wake up video. A lot of coincidences are still occurring.

NBA legend and Hall of Fame guard John Stockton believes in medical freedom. So does former Green Bay Packers offensive tackle Ken Reuttgers.

Ken Reuttgers’ wife suffered a vaccine injury.

Stockton has long researched the efficacy and risks of vaccines.

They both have taken arrows for being public about their beliefs. They join Michele to discuss why it’s been worthwhile.

Stockton is AWAKE. He goes over the mask b.s., the forced jabs, the removal of freedoms, the censorship for just questioning, if this is even a vaccine, and how much people have thanked him each and every day for standing up for the truth.

People are finally realizing they need to think for themselves and not rely on the media “experts.”

Reuttger: “People are waking up out there.”

When we see hundreds of athletes collapsing, that should be a sign that something is amiss and we need question the correlation with the jabs.

Kyrie Erving is one of the very, very few in the NBA if not the only one that spoke out against the vaccine.

You would think that surely more of those boys can see what’s going on. Are they just afraid to speak out?

People surely can see that the vaccines didn’t even work and we were lied to, right??

Are these athletes even thinking?

Terry Bradshaw, that idiot, bashed Aaron Rogers for not taking the vaccine. Surely, Bradshaw is smarter than that, isn’t he?

Why were people so shunned about just questioning the mainstream narrative?

As Michele Tafoya says she was shunned so much by her peers that she left Facebook for a while.

What does this say about the government propaganda?

They really have a stronghold on the people. They use FEAR to dominate society. When the masses are scared, the masses willingly give up freedoms.

Is it worth living in FEAR?

The Fear ALL came from the media.

We can no longer give up our freedoms because of the FEAR – false evidence appearing real – that spews from mainstream media.

People were so asleep during this pandemic. Hopefully they are discovering that the “science” is made up science and controlled by the same ones making the solutions for the virus that has never been isolated.

Then the doctors who mentioned Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were immediately shunned in the public eye.

If you want to shut someone up, you shun them in front of everyone. That’s exactly what happened.

John Stockton -- “I think the tide is now changing and we see people back peddling.”

We cannot allow this to ever happen again.

The WHO is trying to take LEGAL control of declaring a Pandemic.

As John says “If there is anyone we should not trust, it it them.” The WHO.

These institutions that we once trusted now raises questions about the leadership. These people were NOT elected. That is a big deal folks.

We can NOT give our POWER to a Foreign Entity that was not elected by the people but selected by the elite.

We need these business leaders of corporations to take a stand on these issues.

I agree with John Stockton that the tide is turning and maybe as others see that the majority now believe we have been duped by the governments of the world, that they will not be so afraid to speak up.

If we want freedom and autonomy we can no longer sit in silence and do nothing.

As John Stockton says: “Where is the Media.”


I’m afraid the media is controlled by the opposition of mankind.

It’s great to have courageous people like Michele Tafoya to take this on without fear.

Great Job Michele Tafoya for this interview.

Here is another great video with John Stockton about the Jabs → NBA Jab Mandates – Hall of Famer John Stockton, Referee Ken Mauer and Former Sen. Scott Jensen -- https://rumble.com/v3uiewn-nba-jab-mandates-hall-of-famer-john-stockton-referee-ken-mauer-and-former-s.html

Source: Michele Tafoya -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLKD0EHrXZc


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Thank You!!

END. 6/17/2024 – 3:00 PM

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