Trump Booed and Heckled at Libertarian Convention Speech – Dave Smith

16 days ago

Dave Smith: “I’m not sure that he knew what he was walking in to.”

I actually give Trump some credit for having the balls to even attend and give a speech because if he didn’t know how much people are completely fed up with the two party system, he knows now.

Trump has thought that he can bullsh*t his way through anything.

No, not the Libertarian’s who see straight through his lies.

People are just getting so sick of the Democrat vs Republican game and it’s all ONE party acting as though they are separate anyway, it’s all one deception on the American people and he just happened to walk into an audience that knows this and frankly are sick of the games of trying to convince people to join one of those parties.

I don’t think Trump has ever given a speech in which he didn’t receive cheers.

Trump is the one who signed off on Operation Warp Speed, which there are people out there saying it had nothing to do with the vaccines and that is total 100% b.s. Tell that to Pfizer, who told their employees that Operation Warp Speed all them to take shortcuts and we all saw the results of taking multiple shortcuts.

Dave Smith: “We look at Trump like the guy that backed the Saudi’s in their Genocidal War in Yemen.”

Trump is a money guy. The people want a guy with high morals, high integrity and someone who will support no war anywhere in the world.

Trump has made comments he would blow up Iran, he obviously supports the False Flag operations that Israel is conducting and some of his best friends are murdering criminals in Saudi Arabia.

People are doing some research on the things that are not so obvious, which is good because if there ever is going to be true change, it comes through the people.

Will this wake Trump up that we are sick and tired of listening to a Republican or a Democrat try to tell us what they will do when both are controlled opposition to the people?

The issues are what matters, not one party or the other party. Just supporting one of the parties is just ludicrous.

Both Republicans and Democrats are for War and for the Central Banking System.

Dave mentioned that even RFK Jr. received some boos. It is a bit surprising to see RFK Jr. vacate the democratic party, but he sees that he will never get a word in about the vaccines if in the Democratic Party.

One thing is for sure, if Biden went there, he would probably need much more security.

Source: Breaking Points --


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END. 6/16/2024 – 9:00 PM

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