Judge Napolitano | INTEL Roundtable: Johnson & Matt Hoh in for Ray McGovern : Weekly Wrap Up

8 months ago

May 31, 2024.

Judge Napolitano
Judging Freedom

News clip: Volodymry Zelenskyy, Ukrainian President, asks the West for weapons to strike inside Russia.

In response, Zelenskyy received a promise of 1 billion dollars from his theatrical performance.

Matt Hoh

Theatre for US taxpayers. Lipstick on the pig, as they say.

Endangering us all through this escalatory trajectory we’re on of both horizontal and vertical escalation, which, as something we have discussed so many times and we can never stop discussing it, will lead to a third world war, a nuclear war.

Larry Johnson:

The maximum range on the missiles is the ATACMS; the worst would be the Taurus Germans produced, which’'s about 300 miles.

It is not going to change a thing on the battlefield, except for one instance where it is going to enrage the Russians.

The next step is that the Russians will take out Starlink.

They are already jamming it.

They’ll use the satellite kill system and take out the satellite network.


That is the network that Ukrainians use to communicate with each other and to operate the equipment (weapons) that the French and Americans have sent there.

Johnson: Right.

Missiles info:

The two-ton, ground-launched ATACMS isn't usually an anti-ship weapon. It's for attacks on land. That's because the inertially guided ATACMS is, according to most sources, accurate to within 30 feet of its target. That's not accurate enough to reliably hit a ship with a single large warhead.

The Taurus KEPD-350 is a German-Swedish air-launched cruise missile manufactured by Taurus Systems.

How good is the Taurus missile?

They are all long-range cruise missiles that are launched from fighter aircraft, are similar in size and mass, and reach close to the speed of sound. Even so, the Taurus missile is more modern than the Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles and more effective against targets with reinforced security, such as bunkers and bridges.

What is special about the Taurus missile?

Taurus is used against what the German Air Force refers to as "high-value targets," which would include bunkers or command posts from which enemy troops control operations. The missile is able to penetrate several reinforced concrete walls.

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