Beware: Fake AI News Stories From CCP-Funded NewsBreak APP Misleading U.S. Users

17 days ago

06/05/2024 The Newsbreak app, a top news app in the U.S., publishes completely fake AI-generated stories. Allegedly funded by CCP entities and linked to investors of NSO Group, known for its Pegasus spyware, Newsbreak has repeatedly published false reports, including a non-existent Christmas Day tragedy in Bridgeton, New Jersey.
06/05/2024 06/05/2024 美国热门新闻应用程序NewsBreak发布完全虚假的由AI生成的新闻。该应用程序由多家中共国实体资助,并与臭名昭著的飞马间谍软件的投资者NSO集团有关联。NewsBreak多次发布虚假报道,包括虚构的新泽西州布里奇顿圣诞节枪击悲剧事件。

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