CDR Lars - Mind Powers Diary - Sun. 9 Jun. 2024

2 months ago

Good morning.

It is I, with today's diary entry. My feathers got a bit ruffled today, but I learned something valuable. When I reflect on my experiences, it helps me to open my mind and let new insights sink in.

When you open your eyes and bring in new perspectives, it channels energy in a specific direction. This is the essence of manifestation meditation. You create an astral template for what you desire, and then the energy shapes that form, eventually manifesting into reality. However, there’s a complication: all beings, including humans and other entities in the universe, possess this capability. Not everyone will agree with your manifestation, so some forces will try to counteract or "demanifest" your intentions. At this point, you need to understand some strategy.

What is that strategy? The mind is incredibly powerful and can manifest anything you desire. The critical question is: what is truly beneficial to want? According to Taoist wisdom, the ideal goal is to bring 100% of your mind back into your body, allowing it to rest there. This helps synchronize your brain waves and prevents external forces from siphoning off your energy for their manifestations.

These external forces often create narratives and siphon everyone’s energy to empower their own causes, systems, or currencies. This is a form of evil magic. While you are trying to consolidate your energy and open the space for your desires, you might subconsciously feel that you have no choice but to submit to these external influences. You might think you need to support their causes because of financial needs or social pressures.

The first step in the strategy is to identify all the forces that are trying to siphon off your energy and firmly say no to them. Do not submit your power to any external cause. Be able to recognize all the distractions and manipulations that drain people's power and avoid them. Keep your space open and free from these influences. Continuously work to maintain this openness and avoid those forces trying to siphon off your energy.







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