Messing With a Real GANGSTALKING Perp In Public (CRAZY)

8 months ago

Using a laser pointer to draw-out how RIDICULOUS gangstalking "street-theater" is & how FAR a Perp will go in "attempt" to put me in a state of fear.

This is 100% a REAL perp! There' no use trying to convince me otherwise.

This guy timed out his targeting "act" & anticipated my location/destination PERFECTLY! 20 minutes prior, I witnessed him down the road (before i arrived to my predictable destination) acting COMPLETELY NORMAL, talking with the other "fake homeless perp," (that is unfortunately not captured in this video) wearing a completely different jacket, being wayy too coherent/sober to be anywhere NEAR as "high & crazed" as he's portraying his dumb-ass to be here.

"Street Theater" & being hit with "Directed Energy Weapons" ALL at the same time during the filming of this 'staged' occurrence!

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