Cornerstone Free Church Worship Service - June 9, 2024

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY June 9, 2024

Order of Worship

Theme: In the war against the family, the demonic enemy has continually targeted the head of the God ordained Family Government the father.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Redeemed” #356
“Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah” #682
Prayer & Children’s Lesson
“Train up a Child” pg 15 in Hymns & Songs
“Because He Lives” #358
Offering - “O Jesus I have Promised” #676
Responsive Reading - 608-Keep His Commandments
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“Calamity before Redemption”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“What a Mighty God We Serve” #672
Benediction and Postlude

“Calamity before Redemption”
24th In our series the Prophet Micah

I. The Judgment of God will bring retribution - 2 Kings 24:2-4
* A. Innocent blood that is shed cannot remain unpunished or the land becomes defiled - Genesis 4:10
* 1. King Manasseh’s murders would be punished
* 2. The land will expel the wicked - Leviticus 18:25
* 3. Judgment for nations - Psalm 9:17
* B. If a nation refuses to punish murders allowing innocent blood to be spilled, that nation is headed for exile or extermination

II. Judah’s Coming Judgment - Micah 4:9-10
* A. The Kingdom would fall, the loss of their civil government
* 1. Four kings of Judah would be conquered and carried off into captivity to Babylon: 
* 2. Kings Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin & Zedekiah
* B. The gain from that pain would bring two blessings
* 1. Delivered from the hands of their enemies
* a. Their enemy Babylon would itself be conquered
* b. The conquerer would bless Judah commissioning a remnant to rebuild Jerusalem
* c. He would finance the rebuilding of the temple
* 2. The Lord would redeem them
* a. Not just from the destruction of war
* b. Salvation through the redeeming work of our Lord and Savior on the cross
* 3. Redemption involves full payment for all our sins 
* a. To be forgiven, made holy, and justified 
* b. To be free of sin, adopted & reconciled to Him
* c. Jesus accomplished our redemption at the cross
* 4. We are commissioned to call all men everywhere to repent, believe and receive

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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