Korero Mai Whistle Blowers News Sat 8 June 2024

8 months ago

This is an update from Aotearoa, New Zealand Alternate news reporting matters arising 1. Maori Government Declaration of Independence. The Dissolving Parliament & its concentration camp oppression SMART cities & 5g weapons declaring wat upon communities individuals.
2. PERPETUAL Trusts exploiting birth certificates,driving g licenses, ID identities private information used for Online Global Trade profits fleecing Billions from NZ. 3. UN Human Development Index - which is an Imdian Spy operation CENSUS for local population reduction while India DUMPS its criminal spies here.
4. This Rob Muldoon act 1988 Protection of Personal & property rights used by Courts to use Perpetual Trusts enslaving controlling individuals especially who's names are on Native Deed Lands - unextinguished. The Leases Expired are being illegally transfered to crown-vatican-rothchilds immigrants & British nazis EU-WEF-WHO-UN wall st & London stock exchange War criminals.
Fijian Leader Rambuka acknowledges Sovereignty & Melanesian Native Peoples invaded by French Imposter Emmanuel Macron of France:
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Vaccines identified as Weapons of Mass Destruction calls for a Separate Courthouse & ctiminal investigations appeals:
SOVEREIGN JOHN WANOA on Hamiltons IHEART Radio sharing about A Military Homeguard separate from nazi FEMA Police:
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