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Faith Is Our Shield

9 months ago

Episode 109!

Faith: Do you take up the shield of faith? Are you making decisions knowing God has control and Jesus is walking with you through all of it? Are you taking the slings and arrows of the world or are you trusting in him to carry you through?

Family: Macil discusses his recent prosperity in the broadcasting industry, where he started and where he is now. He also talks about the ministries he is heading up and involved in. Leading with his shield of faith through it all. Buy his book “Move Your Mountains” today. Link below.

Politics: Hunter Biden trial: Prosecution rests after show of overwhelming evidence! Trump announces his campaign raised $400 MILLION post-conviction! Biden appears to have trouble sitting down during D-Day remembrance event!

Macil’s Book: https://a.co/d/3NNiMXz

Revolver Broadcasting Merch Shop: https://my-store-eb40cb.creator-spring.com/

Revolver Broadcasting Website: https://www.revolverbroadcasting.com/

References: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/3032266/hunter-biden-trial-prosecution-rests-overwhelming-evidence/



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