6/8/2024 In a New State of Commonsense

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Our founders did not misspeak when they talked about the “laws of Nature and Nature’s God”. Laws encapsulated in the 10 Commandments that used to be displayed in our school halls but had been removed in order to allow for man’s colorful nature. Or have they? What if I told you that one state in the union is now putting the 10 commandments back on the walls and commonsense back into their public schools?

Painting Virginia Red with Pastor Don Zampogna
Speaking of States ,it would appear that Virginia is changing from a Bamboozling Blue to a Religious Red. That is with the help of “We the people” and a modern day Black Robe Regiment. In our second hour join BJ, Mr. Anderson and Pastor Don Zamp[ogna of Virginia who has the church remnant in position and at the ready. You are not going to believe what these Virginia citizens have managed to do.

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