IWR News for June 7th | Has Global Depopulation Already Started?

1 month ago

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:
• Has Global Depopulation Already Started?
• WHO Amendments Back from the Dead
• The Bankrupting of Canada: Deficit
• 3 Liberal Scandals in One Week
• MPs Accused of Treason
• Results of Our First Viewer Survey
• Cross Canada Vaccine Injury Lawsuit Launched
• Bad News for Gates’ Methane Vaccine
• Green Energy Policies Found to Cause Global Warming
• Liberals and NDP Want ‘Ecocide’ to be a Crime
• ‘Human Body Activity’ Surveillance Patent
• MAiD is Like Waterboarding: Victims Drown
• Did the Globalists Cause the 2007 Financial Crisis?
• Fauci Admits ‘No Science’ Behind Social Distancing Rules
• Major Scientific Journal Publishes Study Proving Shot Deaths

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