Alarming Data: Cardiopulmonary Arrests Surge Post COVID-19 Vaccination

9 months ago

Alarming Data: Cardiopulmonary Arrests Surge Post COVID-19 Vaccination reveals the startling increase in cardiopulmonary arrests linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, based on findings by Dr. Peter McCullough. This video delves into critical data showing a 25.7% rise in cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in related deaths from 2020 to 2023. In King County, with 98% of the population vaccinated, excess deaths from cardiopulmonary arrests soared by 1,236%, from 11 in 2020 to 147 in 2023. The video also discusses the unexpected 0.94% population decline in 2021. Join us as we explore these concerning patterns and their implications. For an in-depth analysis, read Dr. McCullough's article on Substack. Don't miss out on this crucial information

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