6/7/24 A yolk breaking anointing being released..❤️

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Acts — A New Era — Tarry Until!
June 7, 2024 Veronika West

Acts — a New Era — Tarry Until!
So, yesterday while in prayer, I was suddenly taken into a Vision, where I saw an Ancient Door.
This Door was living, and this Door was hidden deep within the Realms and Dimensions of the Spirit.
But as I looked at this Door, I saw deeply etched into the Living Door were the Words: “ACTS — A NEW ERA!”
As soon as I read those Words, It was quickened to me that this was a Living Door that led into the Living Revelation of The Book of Acts, and as I stepped closer to the Ancient Living Door, I heard these Words, ”Come up here — and tarry until!”
I knew by The Spirit that this was both an Invitation— a Divine Instruction — to step into the Door of The Book of Acts!
This was a Holy Invitation to Ascend the Heights to Receive a Fresh Baptism of Fire, for the days ahead.
This Ancient and Living Door was a Divine Portal into a Realm and Dimension of Glory and Revelation that has been reserved and preserved for such a time as this.
Beyond the threshold of this Ancient and Living Door, waits Supernatural Revelation and Divine Impartation for the Sons — for the Living Keys — that they may become Carriers of Greater Glory, Power and Authority for the out-working of the greatest Signs, Wonders and Miracles that the Earth has ever seen!
And then I heard, ”Watch, for new and ancient ways shall collide in this kairos moment and that which has been reserved and preserved for such a time as this, shall be released to My Living Keys for the Building and Establishing of My Kingdom Purposes on the earth!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Yoke Breaking Anointing Is Being Released!
June 7, 2024 Veronika West
I hear the Spirit say, “A yoke breaking anointing is being released in the heavens and it is coming down into the earth in this hour. Tell My People to receive it it by Faith and by Grace!”
While praying today, I saw tormenting and lying demons standing behind many trying to drag them down and pull them backwards.
I could hear the sound of the demons voices as they screamed words of defeat and despair over the lives of many, and those who stopped to give ear to their lies quickly became weak, weary and began to wander off from the path of truth and light.
Listen! Satan knows that there is an unlocking of a new and greater level of Freedom, Breakthrough and Divine Revelation that is being released from heaven to the Sons and Daughters of God in this hour.
The enemy is aware of the mighty signs, wonders and miracles that are about to be made fully manifest in the earth.
As we know, the greatest opposition and fiercest battles always come before the greatest release and VICTORY!!
Now as I continued to pray, I felt the heat and intensity of the spiritual warfare that is going on in the heavenly realms.
I saw how the enemy is ruthlessly and relentlessly pursuing the Sons and Daughters of God who are aligned and rightly positioned on the front lines of battle.
As I stayed pressing into the LORD, the Spirit of God quickened to me His Word from Isaiah 10:27 which says,
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing”.
Today I Decree: There is a yoke-breaking anointing is being released from heaven to those that find themselves on the front lines of intense conflict and relentless battle.
I Declare: You have been Called to be Fruitful on the Front-line. You have been Anointed to Advance and take New Ground. You have been empowered and equipped to Pursue, to Overtake, to Overcome and to RECOVER ALL that has been stolen from you in the last season.
Now having done all, stand your ground in this hour.
Do not Retreat, but Run towards your adversary.
FEAR NO! For you are fueled by the Fires of the Holy Ghost and you are filled with the Spirit of Might and Power.
YES! “For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire.”
Again I Decree: Just as God has said, “This battle shall be with burning and fuel of fire”.
I Declare: Let God ARISE on your behalf and let your enemies be scattered!
In this hour, I see you overtake your over-takers in the MIGHTY name of Jesus!
I hear the Spirit say, “My beloved, fear not! For I AM the Mighty Breaker that goes up before you to break through the gates of the enemy and to open up new doors and carve out new pathways for you, for just as I blessed you before so shall I bless you now.
Watch! As My Spirit of Might and Power now leads and guides you forward into Great Victory, for you will walk in a new level of clarity, Understanding, Wisdom and Revelation in this hour.
My Son, My Daughter, truly I tell you this is your turning point, a turning point towards the fulfillment of My purposes, My plans and My promises for you in this season”, says God.
“I Tell you, I AM not the author of chaos and confusion, but I AM the author and finisher of your faith.
Now as you Look into My face, you will see through My eyes and you will become strengthened, steadfast, immovable and unshakable in your Faith, Hope and Expectation.
My Beloved, stand, be still and know that I AM your God.
I will Never leave you nor forsake you, but I will deliver you.
I will uphold you with My Righteous right hand
I will protect and preserve you from the onslaught and assault of the evil one that has come against you in this hour!”
“Surely I AM not a man who can lie, but I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I will never leave you Helpless, Alone and Hopeless to stumble and fall in the darkness, For I AM the Light and the Door that leads to Kingdom Destiny,”says God.
“Now gird your loins and strengthen yourself in MY VICTORY over the works of darkness, death and destruction.
Even in this moment, I AM preparing you, propelling you and repositioning you as mighty Warriors who will go forth to overthrow every throne of Witchcraft and Wickedness that has been established in the land.
So Awake and Arise Oh Mighty Warriors and take up the banner of victory.
Go forth My brave hearts and take the land that I have given into your hands.
Look! I Have Anointed you with the Breakers and Finishers Anointing, YOUR VICTORY is assured in this hour.”
First published: March 14, 2018.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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