Episode 183, "Black Swans and the Hegelian Dialectic

8 months ago

-Andrew For America gives a brief history lesson about and defines the term, "black swan" event. He shares a clip from a gentleman who believes he has discovered what the possible black swan event said to be on the horizon in 2024 will be. He believes it will be a failure of the financial system through a failure of the financial clearing houses. Andrew also plays a clip from a man who makes the claim that our financial system and our need to have "jobs" was a nefarious plan created by the world planners with the intention of robbing human beings of their time on this planet (he calls our time a "non-renewable resource") so that we would be too busy and distracted by "life" to have enough time to think and philosophize about greater ideas. Andrew also briefly talks about the ancient Tartarian Empire and uses the story as an example to illustrate how the "powers that be" have possibly hidden vast amounts of truth and reality about our past from us so that we never find out how they originally took power and control over all of us. Andrew also reads about the philosophy behind Hegel's dialectical process, which is rooted in Plato's dialectics originating back in the Greek empire. Andrew ends by talking briefly about the true goal of communism.

-The song selection is the song, "The Last Goodbye" by the band Violates Community Standards.

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