GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Aaron Brickman: Currency Devaluation and the Fall of Society

26 days ago

Market technician and former Army Ranger, Aaron Brickman reviews the financial markets offering key insights on the precious metals industry.
Aaron's X:

- We discuss the stunning implications of the seminal works of Saifedean Ammous and Andreas Antonopoulos:
50+ hyperinflationary episodes occurred in nations without the gold-standard.
- Only one sound currency based on POW is 100% anti-hyperinflationary.
- Nearly all physical assets lose value over time, no matter how immutable and inflation-proof they seem to be.
- Must read digital audiobook for Summer Reading List by Andreas Antonopoulos - 100% free Mp3 download:
- The only must-watch financial video this decade: "There's No Second Best":
- Is the global financial system merely a sophisticated rug-pull waiting to happen?
- Might the next few years be chaotic in the geopolitical / economic arenas?
- Professor Merkel's comments on living-digital money.
Tip Jar - Graci / Cheers!: BTC: bc1qsz8898q7znfta4se3sz76zpfw4fxlxucxhfu4g
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