Things that are helping me recover from post jab long haulers

21 days ago

*I am not a doctor, this video is sharing my experience to hopefully help others
Things that helped:
-Medications (talk to your doc - meds for clearing spike proteins)
-Supplements for spike protein removal (bromelain, curcumin, nattokinase)
-Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
-EBO2 Blood Filtering
-Fasting (dry, wet, juice)
PEMF (puled electromagnetic frequency)
-Homeopathic Remedies (Tuning forks, BRT)

As I film this my health isn't feeling the best, however, from when I was diagnosed with this in April 2022 to now, I have improved a lot. I hope this video helps you if you are also suffering with these health issues.

Things that hurt my health:
-Sauna, Steam Room, Cold Plunge
-Grounding Sheets

^^i think the things that hurt my health did so as they effect the vascular system, and the vascular system is what takes the most damage from "long covid/long vaccine"

*LOL @ my cat at the end haha

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