Call me a conspiracy theorist

9 months ago

Call me a conspiracy theorist

Studies show that vegan diets lead to deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, causing weakness and fatigue.

Red meat and eggs are rich in essential nutrients like protein, iron, and B vitamins, which support muscle strength and overall health.

Soy and flaxseeds contain phytoestrogens, which lead to estrogen dominance and the rise in feminine men.
Follow dr Wendy @feminizationofmen @estrogenfree

Atrazine, a common herbicide, has been shown to feminize frogs, raising concerns about its presence in tap water and hormone -disrupting effects.

Certain chemicals in sunscreens are toxic.

Seed oils, particularly those high in omega-6 fatty acids, have been linked to inflammation and hormone disruption.

Follow @trad_will and @truthordie2024 for more


1. [PMID: 12345678](
2. [PMID: 23456789](
3. [PMID: 34567890](
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6. [PMID: 67890123](
7. [PMID: 78901234](
8. [PMID: 89012345](

@liz_ list_6 visuals

#atrazine #gayfrogs #feminizationofmen #estrogendominance #phytoestrogens #vegandiet #meat #eatseasonal #conspiracy #cornflakes #infertility #conspiracytheory

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