PanaceaDiet Show Number 9

2 months ago

Show Number 9 – Gary Keller’s book The One Thing is mentioned appreciatively, that ending diabetes is our “one thing”. License plate NDIABTZ. Lifestyle dominoes! Trying surgical, stomach stapling, tummy tucking, and now, a patch on the tongue! Har! Liquid diets even attempted! Corsets! Fat-blockers, olestra… We must learn! Medications also being touted… Side effects! Lap-band… “I just can’t fight it anymore!” Natural, not a drastic fad! Siegel and Somati. Ancel Keys only used supporting countries’ data. Sat fat, mono, etc. Taubes’ GCBC notes “associational studies” can be imprecise. Real clinical trials are more conclusive/insightful. K-rations named after Ancel Keys! See our “Suggestions” show.

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