❌Constitutional perspective of indigenous Peoples. It Won't Save Us❌

8 months ago

Sisters and Brothers, this video is a constitutional perspective of indigenous peoples, and rights of aboriginal indigenous thought.
We must Reverse the conjured Spell, that a Constitution
(CON - STITUTION) will save you, me, or anyone, because it won't.

To be prepared for survival outside of the dominate colonial matrix, we must give this product of Rome, back to Rome.

0 Colonizers and Colonialism goes back to Congress.
0 Congress goes back to the CON-STITUTION.
0 The CONSTITUTION (republican or not) benefits the colonizers and
goes back to Europe.
0 Europe gave birth to the dark priest Popes of Rome.
0 The Dark Priest conjured up the diabolical Roman curia that abuses
and dominates today.

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