X22 Report-3372-Fed Cut Coming Around September, Crash,VP Pick Might Not Be Who You Think-Ad Free!

26 days ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3372a - First It Was Canada & Now The ECB Just Cut Rates, Fed Cut Coming Around September, Crash

The [WEF] is bragging about the 100 billion they have taken in from carbon taxes. Has this helped, no, this is a money grab hoax. Hochul reverses course, it's an election year, can't tax people until after the election. Jobs are imploding, wages decreasing and jobs going to illegals. First it was Canada, now the ECB cut rates, next is the Fed in Sept.
Ep. 3372b - VP Pick Might Not Be Who You Think, DOD COG Changed, [DS] In A Downward Spiral

 The [DS] plan has fallen apart, they thought the people will jump ship if they convicted Trump, it has backfired. Now the other cases are in jeopardy. The DOD has now changed their COG document, they changed the name from directive to instruction. Trump has begun the process of vetting the next VP, it might not be the person on the list. The [DS] is now trapped, the are in a downward spiral which means they will try to coverup all of their crimes with war.  
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