Episode 2202: The Path to Sainthood

9 months ago

The Path to Sainthood: Doing, Suffering, and Humility in Christ
Today where we delve into the timeless wisdom of the saints and the profound teachings of our faith. In today’s episode, we explore the essence of sainthood through the lens of doing, suffering, and humility. Drawing from the wisdom of Saint Francis de Sales, Mother Francis, and the Apostle Paul, we will uncover the deep spiritual truths that guide us on our journey to holiness.
"All the science of the Saints is included in these two things: To do, and to suffer. And whoever has done these two things best, has made himself most saintly." — Saint Francis de Sales
Saint Francis de Sales, a 17th-century bishop and Doctor of the Church, emphasizes the dual pillars of action and suffering in the pursuit of holiness. In his era, as today, Christians sought practical guidance for living a holy life. Saint Francis distills this guidance into two essential components: active charity and patient suffering. These, he asserts, are the universal practices of all saints, reflecting the life and passion of Christ.

Saint Francis de Sales' teaching resonates deeply with the core of Catholic spirituality. The concept of "doing" encompasses acts of love, charity, and service, which mirror Jesus’ ministry. "Suffering," on the other hand, invites us to unite our pains with Christ's passion, transforming personal trials into redemptive experiences. Through this, we understand that true sainthood is not just about extraordinary deeds but about embracing the everyday challenges with faith and love.
"All of the Beatitudes are humbling. And this is scarcely a thing to be marveled at. For the Beatitudes are Jesus' personally programmed Christian living. And He has told us the reason that He lived and loved as He did: that is, lived unto death and loved unto the end. 'Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them unto the end' (John 13:1). It was because He was meek and humble of heart." Mother Francis
Mother Francis, a contemporary Catholic author and spiritual guide, reflects on the Beatitudes, Jesus' roadmap for Christian living as presented in the Sermon on the Mount. She highlights the humility inherent in these teachings and connects them to the ultimate expression of Jesus' love and humility His passion and death. By living out the Beatitudes, Christians are called to embody meekness and humility, essential virtues in the imitation of Christ.
Mother Francis’ reflection brings to light the transformative power of the Beatitudes. Each Beatitude challenges us to adopt a posture of humility and trust in God. They are counter-cultural, promoting values that often contradict worldly wisdom. Yet, they are foundational to Christian discipleship, urging us to live out our faith with the same meek and humble heart that characterized Jesus’ life and ministry. This humility is not weakness but a profound strength rooted in divine love.
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:15-
This passage from Paul’s letter to the Colossians presents a majestic Christological hymn, affirming the preeminence of Christ in creation and redemption. Written to a community facing challenges to their faith, Paul emphasizes Jesus' divine nature and His central role in the cosmos. Everything that exists is created through and for Christ, who sustains all of creation.
Paul’s exaltation of Christ as the image of the invisible God underscores the foundational truth of our faith: Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. This profound mystery invites us to recognize Christ’s presence in all aspects of life and creation. By acknowledging Him as the source and sustainer of everything, we are called to deepen our relationship with Him and trust in His providential care. This passage also reminds us that our journey to holiness is rooted in our union with Christ, who empowers us to do and suffer with grace.
As we reflect on these quotes, we are reminded that the path to sainthood is marked by action, suffering, and humility. By following the example of Christ and the saints, we grow closer to God and become instruments of His love and mercy in the world. Let us strive to live out these truths in our daily lives, embracing both the joys and trials with a heart full of faith.

Thank you for joining me this morning. May these insights inspire you on your journey to holiness. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

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