Live EXCLUSIVE W/ Michael Yon - We Are AT WAR & Political Factions ARE NOT Going To Save Us

8 months ago

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Today we talk to Michael Yon who is reporting from Japan on a host existential threats to liberty and sovereignty. In this wide ranging interview we discuss:

💥MASSIVE threat from self replicating mRNA Jabs being rolled out in Japan
💥The import of a hostile fighting army into the US via illegal mass migration
💥The impotence of our current political party (TRUMP included) & how ubiquitous
blackmail is in Washington DC and other global power centers
💥This current war and the power player involved

ABOUT MICHAEL … he began his career at 19 successfully completing Green Beret training.
His military training & experience informed his world view - he learned how to closely observe, look for patterns and predict outcomes to survive. He is an autodidact - a self learner & historian. A world traveler, writer and photographer and war correspondent. Over the past 20 years he’s traveled the globe independently reporting world events.

Follow Michael on TWITTER: @Michael_Yon
Support him on his website:

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