Even A Harlot Knows Better

8 months ago

'Even A Harlot Knows Better', when she places her faith in Almighty God! Rahab was a Harlot in the ancient city of Jericho which was about to be destroyed by the people of God. The entire region, if not entire world, at that time, heard of the amazing, miraculous, wonders that the God of Israel had performed in Egypt. Including drowning Pharoah's Army in the Red Sea. Now these people of God were on her city's doorstep ready to in eve make war with Jericho. While the people of her city were afraid of Joshua and Israel, Rahab feared God and helped the Children of Israel. Therefore she and her family were spared. Eventually, she became apart of the ancient Nation of Israel. Even being found in the lineage of Jesus Christ. The Reward of Faith!

Contact New Corinthians Ministry at: newcorfaith@gmail.com

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