Article 4864 Video - International Public Notice: Fill Up Your Gas Tanks By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4864 Video - International Public Notice: Fill Up Your Gas Tanks - Thursday, June 6, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We will quickly note that much of the actual wealth of the past fifty years has been built on oil and in the case of this country, refined oil products.

"The US" has consistently been one of the top exporters of refined oil products worldwide and thanks to mutually beneficial contracts with Saudi Arabia to supply crude oil, this position has been maintained and has driven the "petrodollar economy".

That is, the USD, the international asset-backed money used by the Federal Subcontractors has been backed by petrochemicals instead of gold or silver.

Saudi crude oil has made that value-added empire possible for the US, along with the demand that all oil purchases of said value-added refined oil products be paid for with Federal Reserve Notes.

Thus, in order for Denmark, for example, to buy fuel oil, the Danish Government had to first convert their national currency into Federal Reserve Notes which were then used to do the actual purchase of fuel oil.

This is a reprise of the old Greenbacks Swindle, where investors "had to" convert their gold into greenbacks in order to buy high yield bonds, but when it came time to cash in those bonds, all they could access as repayment were more Greenbacks -- not the gold they actually invested, plus interest.

The so-called "Reserve Currency" Swindle works exactly the same way.

The new story went like this: you want (or need) refined oil products? Okay, we have a monopoly on these products, and you can buy them in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes. Only Federal Reserve Notes.

So, all the other countries buying refined oil products from the Saudis and OPEC (crude oil) and the US (final refined oil products) have had to convert their gold and silver and other actual assets into Federal Reserve Notes before they can buy oil products.

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