Mike Rowe Delivers Common Sense Regarding the War on Women

18 days ago

The Real Mike Rowe - Mike Rowe, the former host of the popular TV show “Dirty Jobs,” has a way of telling it like it is.

He recently addressed a comment about his interview with former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines.

"Is it my imagination, or have you and your podcast become more political? I enjoyed the interview with Riley Gaines but was really surprised to see you “go there,” and speak so candidly about such a politically charged topic." ~ Carol Marks

"Hi Carol. It’s your imagination."
Your question reminds of a common refrain I hear nowadays from friends of mine on both sides of the aisle. “I didn’t leave my party, my party left me!” I can sympathize. In this case, I would tell you that I haven’t become any more political than I’ve ever been – but everything around me certainly has. Or maybe, everything has just become more controversial, and therefore everything feels more political?

Either way, the facts surrounding Riley’s ordeal are not in dispute. She and her teammates were told by the NCAA to either compete with a man or quit the sport they loved. They were told to either share a locker room with a man or seek professional psychiatric help. They were also told that failing to accept the swimmer formerly known as Will Thomas as a woman, might result in his suicide, and that his blood would be on their hands.

For daring to question the fairness of these decisions, Riley Gaines was branded a bigot and a transphobe. She was attacked by protestors at San Francisco State and held against her will for several hours. Her captors were not punished. In fact, they were congratulated by the administrators at the college.

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