Pastor Billy Crone REVEALS THE TRUTH – About ALL Vaccines (Including, THE POISON DEATHSHOT)!

1 month ago

Klaus Schwab, The WEF (The World Economic Forum), & The Mark Of The Beast, Part 25 --- 6/5/2024.

Pastor Billy Crone's CURRENT Bible Study On Klaus Schwab (And The World Economic Forum), And THEIR (THESE Various Nefarious EVIL Individuals, THESE MURDERERS, THESE DEMON-POSSESSED CONSPIRATORS) Satanic Plan For Mankind (As THEY Help Set Up The Antichrist's Kingdom, Which Will Have Its ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT -- DURING The Seven Year Tribulation), And The Lessons Klaus Schwab Learned From His Father, And More Importantly, From THE NAZIS!

In THIS Video, Pastor Billy Crone Speaks About The Insidiousness Of THE POISON DEATHSHOT; BUT Also, ALL Vaccines That Are Being SATANICALLY Thrust Upon Us, FROM Birth, Throughout Our ENTIRE Lifetime; And The SATANIC Consequences Of Taking THEM!


Billy Crone, Get A Life Ministries, Get A Life Media (dot) com, Sunrise Bible Church, Henderson, Nevada, Message From Pastor Billy Crone, Posted: 6/5/2024.

[Running Time: 1 hour 34 minutes 54 seconds]

#TheWEF #KlausSchwab #YoullOwnNothingAndBeHappy #TheFourthReich #TheAntichristKingdom #Revelation13 #DigitalPrison #UselessEaters #Depopulation #Indoctrination #Brainwashing #Vaccine #FormerVaxxer

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