Exodus 24 Bible Study - The Old Covenant Given and Ratified.

6 months ago

In this study, we cover all of Exodus chapter 24. We see Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu (as well as 70 elders) appear before the Lord for the ratifying of the Old Covenant (also known as the Mosaic Covenant) which contained the 10 commandments as well as the Book of the Covenant. We also see this same group have a meal in the presence of the Lord! Finally, Moses travels up to the top of Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments written in stone by the finger of God as well as the instructions on the creation of the tabernacle and all its elements. Lots to cover!

02:33 - Exodus 24.1-8
04:16 - The Book of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments are what we today call the Old Covenant. The Mosaic Covenant is the Old Covenant.
05:39 - Exo 24.1: Who are Nadab & Abihu?
Exodus 6.23, Numbers 3.41, Lev 10.1, 1 Chr 24.2
08:06 - Exo 24.1: Who are the 70 elders?
Exodus 18.21-22, Numbers 11.16
10:40 - Exo 24.2: Moses alone is to approach the Lord.
Hebrews 12:24
11:46 - Exo 24.3: “Everything the Lord has said we will do.”
Exodus 19.8
14:18 - Exo 24.4-8: The atar, the 12 stone pillars, burnt & fellowship offerings as well as the blood, in bowls as well as splashed it on the altar and sprinkled it on the people. WHAT?
15:11 - The 12 stone pillars - represent the 12 tribes of Israel.
Joshua 4.5, 20; 1 Kings 18.31
16:18 - The sacrifices and the blood ratify the covenant
Mt. 26.28; mk 14.24; lk 22.20; 1 cor 11.25; Heb 9.20; 10.29; 12.24; 13.20; 1 pet 1.2
Gen 15
19:50 - Hebrews 9 as an explanation of Exodus 24.
27:27 - Exodus 24.9-18
29:08 - Exo 24.9-10 - they saw the God of Israel. GOD IN THE FLESH.
Exodus 33.20; John 1.18; 1 Tim 6:15-16
Gen 32, Exodus 3
Theophany or Christophany
Mat 1.23, Isa 7.14, John 14.9,
Isa 6.1, Eze 1.26, Num 12.8, Rev 3:20.
36:49 - Exodus 24.10 Lapis Lazuli, pavement of sapphire stone
Eze 1.26-28
38:36 - Exodus 24.12 - “Come up to me and I will give you the Tablets of Stone.”
Exo 31.18
2 Cor 3.2-3
40:37 - Exodus 24.14 - “Aaron and Hur are with you.”
Exodus 17, Exodus 31 & 32
42:15 - Exodus 24.15-17 - the Glory of the Lord appeared
43:02 - Exodus 24.18 - 40 days, 40 nights
43:54 - Conclusion
Exodus 6.6-8
Ch 1-18 - God redeems his people
Ch 19-24 - God take Israel as his own
Ch 25-40 - God dwells among them

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Books used or referenced:

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Barker, Kenneth L.. Kohlenberger, John R. III. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Abridged, Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994.
Purchase: https://www.christianbook.com/expositors-bible-commentary-abridged-edition-volumes/kenneth-barker/9780310255192/pd/54975?event=ESRCG

Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001. https://www.christianbook.com/the-bible-exposition-commentary-6-volumes/warren-wiersbe/9786125030474/pd/030474?event=ESRCG

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