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Carcinosin Melanoma | Emma Kamio

8 months ago

In this webinar, Emma Kamio describes her and her family's journey towards creating Carciosin melanoma. She then goes on to describe the ways in which Carcinosin melanoma can be used to treat various ailments, including post-viral fatigue.

Emma Kamio began her career in nursing before becoming a homeopath. She is now a Homeopathic Consultant and Co Director at Practical Pilates Ltd. in Wales, United Kingdom

HELIOS Carcinosin melanoma: https://www.helios.co.uk/shop/carcinosin-melanoma


LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/emma-kamio-b527791b6
HELIOS Carcinosin melanoma: https://www.helios.co.uk/shop/carcinosin-melanoma
Emma Kamio's Book: https://www.helios.co.uk/en/shop/proving-of-carcinosin-the-scars-of-restriction


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Disclaimer: Fear-free Speakeasy (FFS) holds space for activities, events, and presentations. Responsibility for the content is that of the individual guest(s), and presenter(s) and not FFS as an organisation. If you decide to make contact with, take the advice of, or, use the products or services of, any presenter, guest, or fellow participant, it is your choice and it is your responsibility to have due diligence and do your own research. FFS hold no liability or responsibility. Any information provided here is not intended as medical advice.


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