3 months ago

The argument for the jailing of all school board members, and trustees is not a difficult one to make. What these pieces of garbage are doing to children across North America, and the world, is beyond abusive! They are Lgtbq groomers, and pedophile groomers! The content they are pushing in schools is unquestionably the work of the devil! Some of the good parents, and kind citizens are finally pushing back, with a mighty ferocity, so much so, that school board members are trembling in their collective boots, as they should be! They will ultimately all be steamrolled by this initiative, as it is growing exponentially by the day, and they cannot stop it!! These disgusting narcissists and sociopaths are so pathetic, they’re now aggressively gaslighting, and attacking every beautiful and moral soul who dares to speak out at school board public meetings! School board trustees are now playing the victim card, and shaming all those who stand up for what is right! These pathetic weaklings, groomers, and fosterers of pedophilia, their bosses, and their teams of lawyers are trying to ban phones in the meetings, shortening people’s allotted time to speak, and in many cases outright banning the publics ability to even question them! Censorship 101! They need to either resign their posts, or go to prison! These critters are unhinged, and dangerous bullies, who think they are above decency, and the law! The few brave politicians who have stood up for all that is pure, natural, and godly, have had their paycheques cancelled, and suffered immense mind body and spirit abuse, as the Canadian Rothschild government have launched federal government sponsored campaigns, in an attempt to destroy the lives, reputations, and the character of these heroes! Councillor Lisa Robinson of Pickering Ontario is one that comes to mind. She is a brave warrior! Shame on anyone who is complicit in pushing the lgtbq gender bender agenda, and the hypersexualization of children, and that means teachers, administrators, librarians, or anyone working for the schools who assist in the psychotic grooming of children in our schools. They put pornographic smut books in display racks as soon as a young child walks into their libraries, with librarians asking 11 year olds if they want the graphic novel version of this pornographic hell. Pardon my salty language, but what the fuck is wrong with these people? How and when did they end up walking hand in hand with satan? I hope you enjoy being incarcerated! I’m just going to leave it here, folks! Please like, comment, share, and of course subscribe, it would be greatly appreciated! BG be great! Take care, lots of love, and see you in the next video!

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