Law and Discourse Series, Episode 101: Authority Under Scrutiny -People v. Government

25 days ago

Today, we embark on a new path with the 'Law and Discourse' series (red). This series is designed to be more interactive and solution-oriented. While the 'Fundamental Principles' series (green) was about learning the law, 'Law and Discourse' is about applying that knowledge. Together, we will use what we have learned to identify instances where government actions need correction. More importantly, you will actively participate in creating and executing plans to address these issues.

Our sessions will be dynamic, involving discussions, breakout groups, and expert panels. We will work collaboratively to develop actionable solutions and strategies. Your insights, experiences, and ideas will be invaluable as we navigate through these discussions.

Thank you for joining us on this new venture. Let's get started on making a real impact!"
In today's Law and Discourse Discussion we tackle these two questions:  

1. Thomas Massie Asked U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, “By What Authority was Jack Smith appointed as Independent Counsel or “By What Authority was the office created?” 

What is the answer?


2.  All of mankind are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, in the manner and season most agreeable to the dictates of his/her own conscience?

Who gets to question your conscience? Is conscience limited to religious conscience?

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Under the Education tab: you will find the Fundamental Law Library, Our Founding Documents Primer, A Deep Dive Down the Rabbit Hole and much more!
Please also click on the Action tab and see the many templates of notices and affidavits to use as a teaching tool and as a template. Everything on our website is free, we just ask that you share your knowledge and take lawful action once you become educated on the Fundamental Principles of Law.
Please go to and watch the FREE pre-recorded classes so you, too, can learn to stand in your power, and please share this with others. If you want to connect with us live, we hold a Q&A session after our Common Law Academy class on Wednesdays at 7pm EST. To join the class go to or call in 540-202-2235 Code# 27892.

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