Piers Morgan Exposes The Hypocrisy of the Democrats (see description)

9 months ago

Trump did NOT pay hush-money to Stormy Daniels, she has already, a long time ago denied it all in a letter. The corrupt AG Michael Cohen, himself convicted for fraud and perjury took out a bank load using his family home as collateral and hiding the transaction from his wife or so I read as the story is unfolding. The "books" were not tampered with by Trump, how could they be if Trump had no idea of the transaction? In my opinion "cooking the books" was done to transfer the money from Cohen via Trump's accounts and on to Stormy Daniels. At least this is what I make of it. Why else would the Jury and Judge was anti-Trump, and pro-Democrat people? Why bring this up years and years later? Because it's election year and the Democrats cannot win this election other than by cheating, AGAIN. Why do they need to cheat because these scumbags have no other option because all the crimes will flood out...child trafficking, pedophilia, Epstein Island, money laundering, false flags, dark ops, war mongering, and a LOT more.

It's all theatre, the precedent has been set and this leaves the door wide open for the prosecution of the deep-state Presidents.

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