AUDIO PODCAST: Part 3 of 5-What The Bible Says About Pride

24 days ago

In today's episode I continue our study about pride.  I am still teaching from the book of Daniel.  In the last episode we learned that the Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, was a very arrogant man.  He was so arrogant in fact, that he made a statue of himself that was 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide.  If that wasn't enough he command all people to fall down and worship it!  This story is a type that foreshadows the Anti-Christ.  You know the rest of the story. There were three Hebrew boys that defied the King and said...we will not bow!  Some might perceive this as an act of pride but in reality it was an act of complete humility.  They refused to bow to anything but the God of Israel and as a result God had their backs!

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