No Age Ontology - Compassion is not pity

8 months ago

Compassion and pity are both emotions that involve empathy and concern for others, but they differ greatly in their underlying motivations and effects on the individual experiencing these emotions. Compassion is a deep feeling of understanding and empathy for the suffering or struggles of others. It fosters a sense of deep connection between individuals, and it is rooted in respect and the acknowledgement of the inherent worth and equality of the being experiencing difficulty or suffering. Pity can be disempowering, as it may reinforce a sense of helplessness or victimhood in the person receiving pity. It can create a sense of distance between the person feeling pity and the one receiving it. It may lead to viewing the person as less capable or worthy of respect and it can sometimes come across as condescending, as it may imply a feeling of superiority in the person expressing pity.

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No Age Ontology ►►►

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