I Waited Too Long To Clean My Barrel!!

19 days ago

Well, let this be a cautionary tale to anyone new out there! Listen to the Erik Cortina videos about cleaning your barrel!! I think I waited too long and I am going to have to do some more work after this video to get back to a good, clean barrel.
I have been going for a year now without doing a stripped down, deep clean. I was thinking the typical, just shoot until the groups open up and then it's time to clean. Well, I have still been doing well with my groups, but I had a lot of rain and I thought it'd be a good time to finally try and clean. As you can see, I have a lot of bad stuff worked into the barrel. I tried what I could with the products I have on hand and some nylon brushes. After seeing the results after a few rounds of brushing, I am looking at the more heavy duty products. I will appreciate any tips or suggestions. I'm trying to stay away from the CLR process, but I do have some if nothing else seems to do the job. I think I will get some Iosso paste and particularly some bronze brushes to scrub in the grooves harder than the nylon is doing.
Stay tuned, there will be more to come and I'll let you all know what ends up working to get this build up out of there!!
I am posting this to keep everyone updated with what I am doing as I do it. If you were wondering why you never saw a barrel cleaning video, well that is because I have not cleaned my barrel!! O man, this is going to take a lot of work to get done, lol. That is the price I must pay for putting this off for so long.
The lesson here is, don't do this, clean much earlier and more often! It will be much easier in the long run and you won't have to do what I am about to have to do in order to get this job done right.

Thanks for watching and let me have it in the comments. I do know I messed up though. I thank you for watching and letting me know any tips you have for tackling this issue!! Have a great day and awesome weekend!

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