A Very Pious Raccoon Would Not Be Left Out Of Mass

6 years ago

You just do not see things like this so often. A very reverent raccoon was spotted at mass and really managed to lift up the spirits of the attendees at Wednesday night Mass at the University of San Diego.

The reverential raccoon was hanging virtually hidden from the views of the many behind the altar, but students had an eye sharp enough to spot it. The raccoon was hidden on the reredos, believing it was a place rarely anyone ever notices. And the raccoon was right – sitting there quietly nobody even noticed it until the time for homily when stirred up by the change of atmosphere, the raccoon decided to climb down to the ground level.

A parishioner at the University of San Diego took video in the course of a mass last week of a raccoon stealing the spotlight from the priest delivering his homily. The raccoon provoked laughs from the mass and ultimately from the priest as well when it made its way to the ground.

"Now I see him. It looks like he's getting ready to make a leap of faith," the priest could be heard saying jokily in the video from the Mass, as the raccoon gets ready to jump down to the floor.

We will be happy to inform that the raccoon made it safe down the sanctuary and trough the aisle. Someone even opened the door to safely leave the holy place. Sounds like it new its way to a mass very well!

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