8 months ago

CLEAN AND UNCLEAN FISH LIST, compiled by Scripture Truth Ministries. If you are looking for the common clean and unclean kosher-certified rabbinical fish list, you won't find it here. We believe that rabbis have erred greatly in their teachings of clean and unclean fish (Ezekiel 22:26), particularly regarding the Hebraic word for "scales" - "qasqeseth," which fully translated into English means the overlapping, shedding scales that cover the entire bodies of fish. Many fish with embedded scales or partially scaled fish are considered "clean" by most kosher-certified rabbinical authorities. Scripture Truth Ministries' research on embedded scaled and partially scaled fish, such as tunas, flatfishes, groupers, and jacks with scutes has confirmed that these types of fish are unhealthy and are often dangerous to eat, and are thus unclean.

Click here for a printable pdf download of our CLEAN AND UNCLEAN FISH LIST:

To view some of the research we did in compiling our fish list, CLEAN AND UNCLEAN FISH LIST OVERVIEW, click here:

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