The Power Of Our Testimony - 09/25/2022 | Equipping the Body Series |

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Elder Justin Broby

Equipping The Body Series

The Power Of Our Testimony - (Revelation 12:10-11)

How Do We Overcome Through Our Testimony?

I - Personally - (1 John 5.1-12)

II - Corporately - (Hebrews 10.22-25) (1 Thessalonians 5.14)

III - Universally - (2 Timothy 1.6-8) (1 Peter 3.12-16)

Why Do We Testify About Christ?

1. Because Jesus Tells Us To - (Mark 16.15) (Acts 10.39-42)

2. Because The Holy Spirit Compels Us To - (Romans 8.14-17) (John 15.26-27) (2 Corinthians 5.17-21)

3. Because The Disciples Set The Example For Us - (Acts 4) (Matthew 16.13-18)

Practical Steps To Become A Better Witness To Others:
1. Pray For More Boldness
2. Actively Look For Opportunities To Share With Others
3. Just Do It

"I do not know anything that would wake up Chicago better than for every man and woman here who loves Him to begin to talk about Him to their friends, and just to tell them what He has done for you. You have a circle of friends. Go and tell them of Him." - D.L. Moody

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