DC insider on Crypto/Bitcoin implications of election, Trump conviction, & out of control government

9 months ago

Michelle Weekley and Brandon Gentile cover a wide range of topics, including Bitcoin adoption, political dynamics, government regulations, and the impact on individual freedoms. It delves into the challenges of navigating the current political landscape, the importance of being informed and involved, and the need for open dialogue and critical thinking. The discussion also highlights the significance of local community engagement and the potential impact of voting. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including politics, government regulations, personal development, and the role of Bitcoin in society. The speakers discuss the impact of history, sedation, and consumerism on society, as well as the importance of faith and mentorship. They also touch on the challenges of government regulatory crackdowns and the need for freedom and financial independence.

DC insider on Crypto/Bitcoin implications of election, Trump conviction, & out of control government
DC vet dishes on the SWAMP, fighting out of control government, felon trump, bitcoin election

Presented by @Bitcointradingcards

Michelle Bio:
#Bitcoin | Comp Sci | Dir. Product Dev @bytefederal | lived in Middle East | worked in China | anti communist | truth & freedom | @btcwithmkw🎙 coming soon

Connect with Michelle here:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/michelleweekley
Nostr - primal.net/p/npub1njmdu3fhrq32w56r9h7kl5kx32vda9yndagvtvl2a2udas7zjs2svxmdv8
Company website - https://www.bytefederal.com/

00:00 Navigating Bitcoin Adoption and Political Dynamics
13:43 Challenges of Government Regulations and Individual Freedoms
42:25 Uncovering the Impact of History and Sedation on Society
46:20 The Role of Faith and Mentorship in Personal Development
56:27 Navigating Government Regulatory Crackdowns and the Pursuit of Financial Freedom

Strike ID: brandongentile@strike.me
Cash App: $ThinkingBig811

Twitter - https://twitter.com/brandon_gentile
Nostr - primal.net/p/npub1r6xc8z27uv9dy4zd55z6rjxe2vcdu40jrygla0wcug56klfeh4nshta9je
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brandongentile811
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandongentile
Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@brandon_gentile?_t=8knOkrkTtlO&_r=1
Spotify - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/brandongentile
Substack for full transcription - https://brandongentile.substack.com

DISCLAIMER: “Playable Characters” is for entertainment purposes only and does not intend to be taken as financial advice.

#BitcoinETF #BitcoinHalving #bitcoin #btc #crypto #cryptocurrency #money

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Bitcoin adoption, political dynamics, government regulations, individual freedoms, local community engagement, voting, critical thinking, open dialogue, political landscape, politics, government regulations, Bitcoin, personal development, history, sedation, consumerism, faith, mentorship, financial freedom

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