Iowa Primary Election Results

9 months ago

In this episode of ITR Live, Chris and John take a look at the results from the June 4th primary elections in Iowa. At both the congressional level and state legislative level, there were closely-watched races that will have important implications not only for the general election, but looking ahead to the 2025 legislative session.

In the U.S. House of Representatives races in Iowa, Mariannette Miller-Meeks won the HD-1 Republican Primary with 56% of the vote, while Lanon Baccam won the HD-3 Democratic Primary with 84% of the vote. Randy Feenstra emerged as the winner in the HD-4 Republican Primary with 60% of the vote.

In the Iowa Senate races, for SD-26, Kara Warme emerged as the winner with 55% of the vote, defeating Gannon Hendrick who received 45% of the vote. In SD-30, Waylon Brown triumphed over Doug Campbell with 53% of the vote. In SD-38, Dave Sires won a three-way primary with 59% of the vote.

On the Iowa House side, in HD-7 Mike Sexton emerged as the winner in the Republican Primary with 51% of the vote. Samantha Fett was the winner in HD-22 with 56% of the vote. Sam Wengryn won HD-24 with 67% of the vote. Josh Meggers is on the way to reelection in HD-54 with 76% of the vote. Jane Bloomingdale won the Republican Primary for HD-60 with 61% of the vote.

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