How to Deal with Energy Vampires and Narcissists

9 months ago

Are you constantly feeling drained after interacting with certain people? If so, you might be dealing with energy vampires and narcissists.

Energy vampires are often those close to you who have a knack for tuning into your insecurities and bringing them to the surface, lowering your vibrational state.

While it might seem logical to always stay in a positive state and hold your frame during interactions, the truth is, that you'll still feel the effects of their influence afterward.

The key to overcoming this is to address and heal your insecurities and traumas.

By shedding light on your inner darkness, overcoming your trauma, and raising your vibration, you'll become less reactive to their tactics.
Even when they attempt to tap into your mind, they'll find no insecurities or trauma, only higher vibrational emotions.

This process strengthens your mind and state, making it easier to resist energy vampires and maintain your frame.

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