Day 1.13: Tighter Body Workout (Cardio)

4 months ago

Today's workout is another full-body workout. I use one dumbbell (20 lbs) for a few of the exercises. You can use weight if you choose, but the workout can be completed without it.

You will need a chair, bench, couch, or something like that to put your feet up on for the decline spider-man exercise. Other than that, you will not need any other equipment.

50/30 Intervals. I did ropeless jump ropes for this round. I repeated the workout a third time and did high knees for my cardio bursts. I ended up burning over 550 calories in all three rounds:

1. Low Jack OR In-Out Squat
2. Decline Spider-man
3. Unicycle (R)
4. Unicycle (L)
5. Mountain Climbers
6. Narrow Squat + Side Leg Lift (R)
7. Narrow Squat + Side Leg Lift (L)
8. Plank to Dolphin
9. Switch Lunge
10. Push-up to Toe Tap

Always keep your form and never compromise it for weight, speed, or reps.

*Always ask a doctor before beginning a new workout routine*

P.S. I forgot to give my usual shout-out to Melissa Bender! She is the inspiration behind my workout style and I use a lot of her moves and sequences in my workouts.

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