New Zealand LAND under seige by Crown-vatican-rithchilds Courts Legislation & Torrens Land Tranfers

3 months ago

This is an education video sharing information about Land & Property ownership. You Think You Own? But the Corporations courts have manipulated paperwork to steal it all.
New Zealand is also under seige by the Australian invasion foreign imposters colonisation by military coupe freemason Robert Torrens the warlord & the Torrens Land Transfers act is inside the LINZ office (Land information New Zealand office. Is the LINZ office an Australian Defense force Inposter record keeping partner for real estate industry & NZ federal police? Grave robbers-bank robbers-gold diggers stealing Rich Native Maori Land owned by Mainly Maori Woman? These foreign imposter Military workforces need auditing & criminal investigating. They have illegally grid locked Land Stolen! They are partners to Barclay's & Wall st & global share markets invading, raiding raping LAND & its getting worse 2024 under WEF-WHO-UN health security claims Treaties.
In New Zealand Maori Native Land Deeds are Title holdings under Duress by legislation laws Declarations of War. This act of law Protection of Personal & Property Rights 1988 was enforced as a Concentration Camp system using Trustees Powers as Managers - EPA enduring power of attourney acting as Fake PARENT companies over individuals that are treated as SLAVES ' infants-invalids(disabled or non existent).
This cycle of War welfare is a crime against humanity!
Targeting individuals illegally! The sick state society academia is an Evil Satanic Cult of Slave Traders trading peoples birth certificates estates of on Wall st & London stock exchange Barclay's. It's a Murderous generational holocaust scheme. The dirty politician trade agent has used Vaccines to Cull a section of the population & claim power of attourney over individual private landowners for murdering to transfer estates into Mega bankers Care Taking serious fraud transactions. They order police Warrants to arrest & act as Baliffs to seize property illegally! Using actors as Civil Debt Collection agents
POLICE Nazi Powers using their Drivers Licenses surveillance:
Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988,
Land transport act 1998,
Criminal proceedings act 2011,
Land transfers act 2017, Crimes act 1961
Stand Up Fight Back
Interpol International partners to WEF sustainable bullshit as Global Police enforcing International Law. This relies on Open Borders, mass Immigration, Smuggling rings. It's a crime syndicate security & intelligence breach. The companies needs disqualifying deregistry. They are using Family Court laws including Protection of Personal & Property act 1988 - same Year Rob Muldoon  GCSB Spying intelligence was launched. Today these SMART 5g Spy Cameras, 5g Towers, Street Lights, & SMART meters Weaponised as Declarations of War against families - are partners to children trafficking cult courts agents - are medical military industry medics vets, politicians, legislators,police nazis this is Claim Of PARENT Corporates ppp, Over People, Lands & Resources:
All Rights Reserved.

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