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The Hellish Hutterites

8 months ago

This video has been taken off of YouTube numerous times. I have been threatened by Hutterites, because of what I say and expose in the video. I believe that they were the ones that put pressure on YouTube to have my video removed, from every channel that mirrored it.


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  • What is so subtle, is how Satan twists this. Why do they leave? To know the Lord, learn the word, truly love? Very few. The 'atheists', the unbelievers also have their 'hierarchy'& their forced conformity w/ licentiousness. You are free to do& say anything that isn't truly salvific. Purple hair? Sure. Pagan masochistic piercings,creatively& seductively exposing& marking the flesh? Sure. Extreme this, extreme that: chase the experience, the feeling. Escape to drugs, alcohol, the orgy:but don't you DARE speak against or question 'the authority' which is not God,& certainly not the Lord Jesus Christ who is God. Don't you DARE refuse to participate& hinder the tax flow& market share the parasite nicolaitans ride, usurping the place of God& his word& Holy Spirit over others,& keeping them from God& freedom indeed. The pull is always to one extreme or the other, to defile& to corrupt,& then to conform: or else. The sodomite affirming 'churches' are BIG on 'community'&'helps, but it's a false,& not truly a 'free', thing. Their 'art' is always defiling, mystical, corrupt, crossing& erasing lines& true diversity. The world has its 'uniform', too. This hairstyle, not that. This immodest, gender-bending androgynous style, not THAT. That poor girl thinking she's made it to freedom showing her cleavage& still manipulated, controlled& controlling: just in another way. It's comply& PARTICIPATE, or we will make your life a living Hell in other ways, too. Like Fauci saying that they would 'make life difficult' for any asking questions concerning blind obedience to the commandments of the 'higher ups' as the Hutterite cult leader said. It IS Catholic...& it IS antichrist. They say that they are 'beyond the word'& you must let that go: but not THEIR words, or those of their disarmed, corrupted one world antichrist hierarchy 'bibles'. Idolize those up on the lit stage. Occult, devilish & satanic, secret society tyranny & control over others: CRAFT idolatry, that's what it's about.

    1 like
  • I talked to a Hutterite that left the colony once and he said that they destroy your creativity among other things. Nice vid!

  • This is Exactly what the WHO, WEF, UN, and all Govts. Want for U and Me! EXACTLY!!🤔🤐😶🤯😳

  • Great video brother. we have many around us and they swarm like ants but seem to have more money. Maybe they save it, who knows, who cares really. It is still a good insight into what they are. Would I trust them before watching this? No

  • The part where there is silence while they eat their meals is very much like the closet Baptist Babel building I attended for a while no talking , no fellowship of any kind , and especially before midweek bible study or Sundays everyone pretty much wouldn't speak except myself ; so that is part of the reason I left and have not gone back. Thank you Lord for directing me out of there.

  • Key word "Control"

  • I recently started delivering to a Hutterite colony because of my job. Interesting to see one first hand. Glad you made this video. One nice thing is that I can buy a frozen chicken from them when I’m there. I will say this though, that the home I deliver to has a big Bible verse in their living room on the wall, and I can’t remember what verse it was supposed to be, but it was from a modern version, and not the KJV. Thank you Bryan

  • What does the Bible say about pictures practice what you preach

  • I tried uploading this to youtube and it was immediately blocked for copyright infringement, even though it would be considered fair use