China, and not the US, just built the world's first Artificial Intelligence hospital. Why?

6 months ago

Video: China, and not the US, just built the world's first Artificial Intelligence hospital. Why? because US doctors, hospitals & pharmaceutical companies make sure it won’t happened to keep fee & profits high 中國,而不是美國,剛剛建造了世界上第一家人工智慧醫院。為什麼?因為美國的醫生、醫院和製藥公司要確保高額收費和暴利.

Medical researchers at Tsinghua University in Beijing have created an AI (Artificial Intelligence) hospital town. It can theoretically serve 3,000 patients per day with a small handful of doctors and staff.

In one example of their optimism in AI, doctors for the project claim that their accuracy in respiratory illness is over 93% on MedQA datasets. Respiratory diseases such as COPD and asthma have notoriously low accuracy in diagnosis and treatment, with high degrees of false positive and false negative diagnoses.

By employing Large Language Models across large virtual populations, and soon in real-world patient populations, China can transform medicine across the whole world. China is already the world's dominant manufacturer of most generic drugs, and is the key maker of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for the most expensive specialty drugs. Chinese companies are also primary makers of diagnostic equipment and medical devices. With advances in AI, tested across large human populations, personalized medicine may be a reality across most of the world. The US, however, will most certainly employ regulatory and licensing pressure to ensure high prices throughout our healthcare delivery systems.

北京清華大學的醫學研究人員創建了一個人工智慧(AI)醫院小鎮。 理論上,它每天可以用少數醫生和工作人員為 3,000 名患者提供服務。

在他們對人工智慧持樂觀態度的一個例子中,該計畫的醫生聲稱他們在 MedQA 數據集上診斷呼吸系統疾病的準確率超過 93%。 眾所周知,慢性阻塞性肺病、氣喘等呼吸系統疾病的診斷和治療準確率很低,假陽性和偽陰性診斷率很高。

透過在大量虛擬人群中使用大型語言模型,並很快在現實世界的患者群體中使用大型語言模型,中國可以改變全世界的醫學。 中國已經是世界上大多數仿製藥的主要製造商,也是最昂貴的特種藥物活性藥物成分的主要製造商。 中國公司也是診斷設備和醫療器材的主要製造商。 隨著人工智慧的進步,並在大量人群中進行測試,個人化醫療可能在世界大部分地區成為現實。 然而,美國肯定會施加監管和許可壓力,以確保整個醫療保健服務系統的高價格。

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